(The Divide Is Not So Wide)
 On exhibition through April 10, 2001, Hands Across the Sea an exhibition that explores the work of American and European (and even one Japanese) Self-Taught artists in order to highlight those one would consider Art Brut or Outsider.
The intent of this exhibition is two fold. One, to demonstrate the relationship extant between Self-Taught art as a broad generic term and that sub-set (as it happens) known familiarly as Art Brut and most recently misnomered "OUTSIDER ART." Indeed, one can perceive a continuum between essentially superficial fooling around (also art) and that obsessive all consuming transformational phenomenon first identified (by M. Dubuffet) as Art Brut.
Secondly, it has become clear to me that a profound relationship exists between and among the artists in that "genius" category of Art Brut and that this relationship supercedes the divide of continent, time and even mental health. This exhibition isolates the factor of geography as one step in asserting this basic truth. Phyllis Kind