June 22 July 18, 2006

"Popular" is used as a term in Indian art which actually approximates what we call "Folk Art."
May June 2006

The works by these Two Gentlemen, Hiroyuki Doi (Tokyo) and Katsuhiro Terao (Osaka), are astounding in their intricacies. Even though the two artists use different forms and materials, their relationship to process reveals that a larger force engages these men.
March April 2006

Four women artists; Lucy Slivinski (Chicago), Lauren McIntosh (Berkley), Alison Saar (Los Angeles) and Kishi Kiori (Osaka)
January February 2006

As a medium, Haitian iron sculpture is a little more than a half-century old, a genre of that miraculous florescence of art now called "the Haitian Renaissance."
November 12 December 31, 2005

Elsa Mora's third exhibition, BIRTH, is composed of seven discreet series, each one exploring the profound and mysterious phenomenon of birth, while at the same time responding to the startling trauma of death.
September 24 November 5, 2005

The genesis of this show is actually some musings of my own. I was thinking about the fact that "Outsider" artists, (or in other words, "Art Brut" artists) are by definition not making "art." They are making things because it has become necessary to do so.
May 20 Summer 2005

Terao Katsuhiro is as outstanding as he is assured. His work ranges from the painstaking delicacy of the line-drawing scratched in crayon board, his drawings and etchings on paper, to his effective collages (some in color) and large complex paintings (some 8 feet in one dimension).
January 15 March 26, 2005

Highlighting our participation in this year's Outsider Art Fair (2005) we are introducing 4 artists from atelier incurve in Osaka, Japan. The intent of this exhibition is twofold. First, to demonstrate the relationship extant between Self-Taught art as a broad generic term and that sub-set known familiarly as Art Brut and most recently misnomered "Outsider Art."
November 18 December 31, 2004

Victor Faccinto, over the past 35 years, has created bodies of work as a painter, performance artist, filmmaker, sculptor, and digital media artist.
October 16 November 14, 2004

Phyllis Kind Gallery is honored to announce Lucy Slivinski: Sculpture and Works on Paper. This is the artist's first New York solo exhibition.
September 23 October 9, 2004

The metal works are represented by Georges Liataud. Other metal workers in this exhibition are Murat Brierre, Serge Jolmeau, and Gabriel Bien-Amie.
July 8 August 31, 2004

One of these (Or two might do) Now's your chance: What a Coup!
April 24 June 14, 2004

Phyllis Kind Gallery is honored to present an exhibition of Gillian Jagger consisting of an installation titled Cull of three aluminum deer in the lower gallery.
March 27 April 17, 2004

Phyllis Kind Gallery is honored to present an exhibition of Edith Isaac-Rose, Cronies, paintings and works on paper opening March 27th.
February 28 March 20, 2004

Phyllis Kind Gallery is honored to present an exhibition of Dan Keplinger. Like his life this new body of work is about challenge, risk taking and liberation.
January 10 February 14, 2004

Phyllis Kind Gallery is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition of Domenico Zindato.
November 6 December 20, 2003

Phyllis Kind Gallery is honored to announce the upcoming exhibition, Alison Saar: Lost/Found: new sculpture and works on paper.
September 12 October 25, 2003

Phyllis Kind Gallery is honored to announce the exhibition Sava Sekulic, which features ten paintings and nine works on paper by the self-taught painter from the former Yugoslavia.
June 19 July 31, 2003

On exhibit are works on Paper from Russian Art Brut artists Eugene Gabritschewsky and Boris Koscheishvili.
April 19 May 31, 2003

On exhibit are works intricately constructed from corrugated cardboard portraits, landscapes, and still lifes.
February 22 April 5, 2003

Phyllis Kind Gallery is honored to present Robert Colescott. On exhibit are large-scale paintings on canvas and smaller paintings on paper.
January 9 February 8, 2003

Madore who has Asperger's Syndrome (a form of autism) took refuge as a child in drawing maps, cartoons, radio playlists, mechanical drawing, and weather statistics.
December 14 January 4, 2003

Phyllis Kind Gallery is honored to present the first American one-person exhibition of Japanese artist, Hiroyuki Doi.
October 24 December 7, 2002

The Phyllis Kind Gallery is honored to present an exhibition of Dan Keplinger, a.k.a. King Gimp which features recent paintings, new etchings and lithographs.
September 13 October 19, 2002

On exhibition are two preliminary drawings on paper intended as Drossus P. Skyllas' Magnum Opus which was never realized as a painting measuring 42" x 442" and 87" x 191".
May 4 July 29, 2002

This is the third exhibition that the Phyllis Kind Gallery has mounted of the work of Gillian Jagger.
March 23 April 23, 2002

On exhibition at Phyllis Kind Gallery thru April 23 are 20 women artists from India.
January 26 March 16, 2002

The exhibition featured over 50 works of Gabritschewsky, the first New York exhibition since 1965.
October 27 November 30, 2001

Phyllis Kind Gallery is honored to announce the upcoming exhibition, Alison Saar: Post(terior). Alison Saar's work was recently seen in a one-person exhibition Body Politics: The Female Image in Luba Art and the Sculpture of Alison Saar at the UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History.
September 15 October 20, 2001

Phyllis Kind Gallery is honored to present ELSA MORA: VULNERABLE in her second New York one-woman show.
April 17 through July 2001

The Phyllis Kind Gallery featured recent work by Valton Tyler, a Texas visionary painter who creates other worldly images with a primordial allure.
Jan 20 April 10, 2001

An exhibition that explored the work of American and European (and even one Japanese) Self-Taught artists.