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thru December 7

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Dan Keplinger, a.k.a. King Gimp

Dan Keplinger, Lithograph 2002The Phyllis Kind Gallery is honored to present an exhibition of Dan Keplinger, a.k.a. King Gimp which features recent paintings, new etchings and lithographs.

WOW! The paintings and drawings of Daniel Keplinger that we presented at his first solo exhibit in 2000 were fabulous — but this new work is even more exciting.

An artist with cerebral palsy, Dan has honed his incredible technique without the use of his arms by securing a brush to a band around his forehead. Some of the new paintings are over seven feet high, and it is hard to imagine that they were done from a kneeling position on the floor.

This artist is a colorist of supreme genius — the energy and emotion inherent in the paintings catapult them into rare and exquisite form. Dan is now also producing lithographs and etchings.


King Gimp - at work

Lower Gallery

KING GIMP, a film by Susan Hadary and William Whiteford, written by Daniel Keplinger, was the 1999 Short Documentary Academy Award® winner and is about the life and work of Dan Keplinger. "King Gimp" is the name Dan Keplinger choose not only for the title of the movie but also for himself.

The HBO Documentary will be featured in the Lower Gallery throughout the exbibit.

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